Are you undecided about which instrument to play? Have you had a chance to SEE and HEAR all of the instruments in YOUR band? Welcome to Gerry’s Recruitment Center! Here, you’ll find brass, woodwind, and orchestral stringed instruments on display! See their parts, how to hold them, and HEAR them played beautifully. Our goal is to make selecting an instrument as easy as possible. You’ve come to the right place!
Woodwind Family
Meet the Woodwinds
The Woodwind Family of instruments offered in our rental program is comprised of the flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, and tenor saxophone. You will find all four instruments within the Woodwind Family video.
If you would prefer to view one instrument at a time, individual instruments star in their own videos below. The oboe and bass clarinet demonstrations are found there, as well.
Alto Saxophone
Bass Clarinet
Tenor Saxophone
Brass Family
Meet the Brass Family
The Brass Family of instruments offered in our rental program is comprised of the trumpet, trombone, French horn, and baritone horn.
Check out the Family video to see them all at once, or scroll down and click on individual instruments if you would prefer.
French Horn
Baritone Horn
The Strings Family
The Orchestra is brought to life in this video by string students sharing their experiences. They give personal feedback and instrument descriptions in order to help you or your student select either the violin, viola, cello, or bass.
We would like to thank Yamaha and the National Association of School Music Dealers (NASMD) for their assistance in creating this video.
Set Up Your Student Instrument Rental Online